Counselling & Psychotherapy

My Philosophy

As I witness my clients transform, I am often reminded of kintsugi - the ancient Japanese art of mending pottery with gold.

To survive emotional pain, loss, and trauma, we fragment parts of ourselves, that we can disown, or see as flawed, broken or wrong.

The process of therapy is reclaiming these parts, seeing their pain, acknowledging their wisdom.

We cultivate self-compassion and understanding, which results in more harmonious and satisfying relationships, helps us get unstuck, opens space to be creative in how we see the world and achieve our goals.

My Approach

In our work together, I will draw from a wide range of psychotherapeutic approaches. This allows me the flexibility to tailor my approach to each client.

Decades of research shows it is the relationship between client and therapist that enables change. For me as a therapist, it is essential to connect with you on a human level, to really see and understand your world. 

How does that translate into our work in the therapy room? We will be paying attention to your moment-to-moment experience – on an emotional, relational and cognitive level.

We will be listening to what your body is trying to tell us by using mindfulness and meditation techniques.

We will explore the past, while focussing on how it may manifest in the present. And as humans are, by nature, social we will be looking at the larger societal context, while keeping in mind the unique matrix of diversity that makes you, you.

My draw from many psychotherapy approaches - psychodynamic, psychoanalysis, existential, gestalt, humanistic, body psychotherapy, meditation techniques

Special Interest

While working at the London charity CPCP (City Pregnancy Counselling and Psychotherapy), I received specialised training in counselling women and men going through infertility, pregnancy loss, birth trauma, ongoing IVF, GH, post-natal depression.

Talking about these issues, bringing them out in the open, is a crucial step and I would be honoured to take it with you.

A bit about me

I trained at the Minster Centre in London, one of the most rigorous and respected psychotherapy courses in the UK.

In my practice I see clients with a variety of issues both short and long term. I have experience working with relationship problems, anxiety, panic attacks, trauma, depression, suicidal thoughts, loss, and bereavement.

Before becoming a therapist, I worked in advertising for many years as a creative and creative director. Consequently, I have an intimate understanding of the demands of a busy career and the challenges of balancing our personal and professional lives.

As a registered member of the BACP I am bound by their ethical code.

Space & Fees

I practice from two locations in London Shoreditch. In addition, I see clients online.

My fee is £80. Sessions last 50 minutes and are held at the same time each week.

The initial consultation can be either online or in person depending on how we plan to work in the future. This session is charged at my regular fee.

My space is conveniently located for Central and East London